… on finding your people | #reverb10
Have you ever been in a relationship that you weren’t sure about? It isn’t terrible but it also isn’t great. How about a job? Ever had a job that you felt like you should like but for some reason something is off. I firmly believe once you find the right fit in any area of […]
Social Media Club of Dallas invites you Charity TweetDrive and Pubcrawl (Dec 08)
SMCDallas Charity TweetDrive and PubCrawl: December 8th For December, we will deter from our usual speaker format to do some social good while enjoying some social cheer. We are partnering with Mockingbird Station for a Toy TweetDrive and PubCrawl. Bring a Toy for TweetDrive 2010 SMC has joined forces with Holiday Tweet Drive for this event.  The Holiday Tweet […]