
  • Professional geek girl
  • Foodie
  • Newlywed(ish). Married to Rory Ellis.
  • We live in Addison, TX a very fun suburb of Dallas (aka Big D)
  • I am an Aquarian (just like my mom & her mother), meaning my birthday is in Feb.
  • I am an all around creative person: I design, write, paint & I sing
  • I enjoy music, you can find my favs on last.fm
  • I take entirely too many pictures with my iPhone
  • I have an obsession with macaroni & cheese
  • I talk to my Twitter friends probably more than my IRL people
  • I volunteer with a different non-profit/cause about quarterly
  • I love wine & sushi, especially together
  • I am always looking for iPhone/iPad app suggestions. You can find me sharing apps on appolicious.
  • I heart books – kindle, audio and “real” books.
  • wondering what it is that I do? LinkedIn is a good place to start.
  • you can find me blogging on GenPink and DallasFoodNerd.


You can read more about me on:

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