The only commodity we have is time

Jason Fitzpatrick, a writer who has written over 4,500 articles at Lifehacker gave his notice to the internet yesterday that he is leaving Lifehacker. I love his closing words, his advice is a great reminder for us all.

The only commodity we have is time. Somewhere—in your mind, on a notepad, stashed in a virtual notebook—you have a list of things you’d like to be doing with your time before it all slips away. Do what you have to do to take those ideas out of storage and make them happen. You can trade and barter for a lot in life but you can never buy back time. Go live.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kristin, MervynDinnen. MervynDinnen said: The only commodity we have is time RT @elysa > You can trade & barter for a lot in life but you can never buy back time […]

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